What’s Going On

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  • Visualising Love

    30 July – 3 August 2018 SPACE, 6 West Street, Old Market, BS2 OBH An exhibition sharing Emma Agustia’s research on the ‘hostile’ UK family immigration policies and relationships between British and non-EU partners and families. More info...

  • Ambient Literature at Hay 2018

    24 May – 4 June, 2018 Hay-on-Wye Join the Ambient Literature team at the Hay Festival,  where we’ll be offering workshops, a discussion panel, and debuting a new work, Words We Never Wrote....

There are no upcoming events at this time.
  • Ambient Literature at Hay 2018

    24 May – 4 June, 2018 Hay-on-Wye Join the Ambient Literature team at the Hay Festival,  where we’ll be offering workshops, a discussion panel, and debuting a new work, Words We Never Wrote....

  • Visualising Love

    30 July – 3 August 2018 SPACE, 6 West Street, Old Market, BS2 OBH An exhibition sharing Emma Agustia’s research on the ‘hostile’ UK family immigration policies and relationships between British and non-EU partners and families. More info...

There are no upcoming events at this time.

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